

votesUP! Online-Voting And Conference Assistant

With votesUP you can quickly and easily conduct open and secret ballots/votes and support your event with comfortable speakers' lists, agenda visualization and automated minute-keeping.



This server is operated by

Tim Schrock
Postfach 18 01 03
DE-10205 Berlin



There is only a small team behind votesUP, but we're happy to receive your questions and feedback. Maike Lehner and Tim Schrock answer your enquiries as soon as possible, usually early in the morning or in the evening.


If you prefer to send an encrypted email, please use our PGP-Key: Download


Important documents


We would like to thank for feedback and support

A big THANK YOU goes to votesUP partners like Landessportbund Nordrhein-Westfalen, Landesportbund Niedersachsen, Landessportbund Thüringen, Bund der Deutschen Landjugend, Deutscher LandFrauenverband, Bayerischer Sportschützenbund, Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe as well as individuals like Alexander H., Alexander S., Arnd M., Astrid H., Christian B., Christian K., Christian W., Christine S., Christoph M., Daniel K., Derya Ö., Dirk M., Doro S., Eva L., Fabi, Felix P., Gerhard J., Ignatios S., Karolin H., Leon H., Lothar M., Maja T., Marius M., Martin G., Martin S., Matthias S., Monika D., Nadin K., Peter F., Rainer S., Sabrina S., Silvia G., Sonja K., Sören J., Tilmann H., Timon M., Verena R., Yannick H. and many others!


votesUP! Logo

The votesUP! logo is derived from the "ballot box with ballot" (symbol #1F5F3) of OpenMoji – the open-source emoji and icon project. License: CC BY-SA 4.0.

Our logo may be used in articles, video clips or other publications about votesUP. We would be pleased to receive a notification when your publicize anything about our project.


QR Codes

For the generation of QR codes votesUP makes use of the free Javascript library QRious.



🗳❤️ Support votesUP

If you enjoy using votesUP and you would like to support us, please have a look at the »contribute« page for more information.