🗳❤️ Support votesUP
👩🎨 Contribute
We are happily welcoming
- everyone who sends bug reports and proposals for improvement
- everyone who introduces votesUP to other people and explains the functionality of the system
- everyone who is helping to translate votesUP to other languages [the English version also needs a bit of love still]
Contact us anytime: 📧 email to the votesUP team
💶 Support us financially
Events with up to 40 participants can be used for free and without further preparation. We would love to keep it that way. Gerade kleinere Vereine und Gruppen sollen davon profitieren. Allerdings kostet uns der Betrieb Geld. Daher freuen wir uns über alle, die hier ein paar Euro beitragen können.
By clicking on the donation button you will be redirected to PayPal. To use this option, you do not have to have a PayPal account yourself: the service provider only handles the transfer.
🤹 Sign a partner agreement
Are you planning to use votesUP more frequently with your group or within your organisation? Maybe the possibility to sign a – tailored – partner agreement could be of interest to you: we could agree to skip certain limits, you can have your logo in the events, agreements on data processing can be found for your entire organisation, and your groups have better access to sources of support.
Contact us anytime: 📧 email to the votesUP team
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